Raviteja Vangara

Raviteja Vangara is a PhD Student in department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of New Mexico. He did his bachelors (Bachelor of Technology) in Chemical Engineering at National Institute of Technology Warangal, India. His PhD work includes study of electric double layers using classical density functional theory, an explicit solvent model with surface charge regulation. He is currently in a co-op position at Los Alamos National Laboratory under mentorship of Dr. Boian Alexandrov, working on using data science and machine learning techniques for problems in Chemical Engineering.
Email: rvangara@unm.edu
R. Vangara, D.C.R. Brown, F. van Swol, and D.N. Petsev, Electrolyte solution structure and its effect on the properties of electric double layers with surface charge regulation. J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2017. 488: p. 180-189.
R. Vangara, F. Van Swol, and D.N. Petsev, Solvation effects on the potential and charge distributions in electric double layers. J. Chem. Phys., 2017. 147: p. 214704.
R. Vangara, F. Van Swol, and D.N. Petsev, Solvophilic and solvophobic surfaces and non-coulombic surface interactions in charge regulating electric double layers. J. Chem. Phys., 2018. 148: p. 044702
Conference Papers:
R. Vangara, D.C.R. Brown, D.J. Prakash, D.N. Petsev, and F. Van Swol. Corrosion and surface charge in electric double layers by classical density functional theory. in 2017 Department of Defense -- Allied Nations Technical Corrosion Conference. 2017. Birmingham, AL